Kuta Beach Restaurants

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Pondok Tempo Doeloe

Posted at February 26, 2015 | By : | Categories : Kuta Beach Restaurants | 0 Comment
pondok-tempo-doeloe-frontIf you’re ever tempted to try local cuisine while in Bali but are afraid to explore the many small traditional roadside warung food stalls, Pondok Tempo Doeloe on Kuta’s Sunset Road is one of a few places to go to try out quality heritage Indonesian cuisine in clean and stylish upscale restaurant settings.Pondok Tempo Doeloe is an Indonesian restaurant that is part of a successful national franchise, and, its name suggests traditional home-style Indonesian dining – pondok signifying a ‘small hut’ while tempo doeloe is a common Indonesian expression indicating ‘old times’.Pondok Tempo Doeloe offers an extensive menu selection, and the interiors are roomy with table setups on two levels. The upper level comprises semi open-air table layouts usually reserved for private functions, while the single main hall on the ground level is a vast dining room laid out with solid wooden tables and chairs. Simply come, pick the table of your choice and order.Favourite menu selections at Pondok Tempo Doeloe draw largely from the IBC Group’s (its national franchise) standard menu, but with further special additions. Among the selections are freshwater fish and seafood favourites, such as the ikan bakar tempo doeloe or signature grilled fish, the ikan nila pesmol or sweet sour sauced steamed tilapia, and the pepes ikan or banana leaf-wrapped spicy steamed fish. All come with customary rice baskets and a choice of vegetable sides such as the stir-fried kale known as plecing kangkung.If you’re looking for something more filling, try out the kambing oven, a richly marinated lamb grilled and presented with authentic Indonesian peanut sauce, shallots and sweet soy sauce. Javanese-style fried noodles or mie goreng Jawa is served with pieces of chicken breast, sliced boiled eggs, shrimps and vegetables, and then topped with fried shallots and pickles. The Javanese-style fried rice known as nasi goreng Jawa comes with the same toppings and side dishes.

On the lighter side of the menu, try out the unique Indonesian favourite that consists of sliced tofu and rice, called tahu tek – an East Java choice served with peanut sauce. Alternatively, you can sample the famous Indonesian soups and broths such as the rawon sapi beef stew and the soto ayam aromatic chicken soup served with a combination of glass noodles, chicken, cabbage, eggs and topped with fried shallots and cassava or potato chips. A much-loved drink, soda gembira ‘happy soda’, condensed milk and sweet syrup topped with soda water, washes it down well.

Authentic Indonesian selections at affordable prices, bright spacious interiors and attentive staff make for a memorable Indonesian dining experience at Tempo Doeloe. The menu and some of the staff might not speak excellent English, but if you’re in for a culinary adventure, to discover local cuisine and hone your Indonesian skills at the same time, you’ve come to the right place!

Good to Know about Pondok Tempo Doeloe

 Pondok Tempo Doeloe is open daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The restaurant is located on the eastern side of the Sunset Road in Kuta, before the Simpang Dewaruci roundabout and after the Carrefour Plaza. Taxis frequent the route, so it’s easy to hail one. Those staying at one of the many boutique hotels that line the Sunset Road, such as the 100 Sunset Boutique Hotel, will only need to take a short stroll to reach the spot .

Pondok Tempo Doeloe

  • Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00
  • Address: Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta
  • Tel: (0361) 919-6868
  • Cuisine: Indonesian
  • Price Range: Affordable


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